The opening reception for the Enduring Traditions exhibit at the Bond House in Espanola took place on November 15, 2019. The reception was well attended, and the feedback was positive. The exhibit was extensively covered in the Art section of the Rio Grande Sun on November 14. I feel fortunate to have had an opportunity to show my work in the Bond House which has received recognition of its historical significance through its National Register of Historic Places and New Mexico Cultural Properties designations.

I enjoyed talking with many of you and I am pleased that you are interested in visiting Chaco Canyon or returning after a long hiatus. My goal in developing the Enduring Traditions exhibit has been to increase awareness of the grandeur of the Chacoan Culture and its ties to the Contemporary Pueblo People. The remains of this culture are threatened by oil and gas development in the Greater Chaco Area. I hope that visitors to the exhibit will feel motivated to support the protection of the remains of this culture. Chaco Canyon has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site of universal value.
Ancient Chacoan Petroglyph Oil and Gas Development in Greater Chaco Area